Летающие шахматы: руководство по освоению шахмат на самолетах Топ-5

Летающие шахматы, also known as Aeroplane Chess, is a classic Chinese board game that brings fun and excitement to family and friends. Combining elements of strategy, luck, and skill, this board game suits players of all ages. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to play Flying Chess:

What You Need

  • Flying Chess Board: Features a cross-shaped path with each arm representing a player’s route to the center.
  • 16 Planes: Each player has 4 planes in a unique color.
  • Dice: A single die is used to determine the movement of the planes.


The goal is to be the first player to move all four of your planes from the starting hangar to the central home area, following the designated flight path on the board.


  1. Assign Colors: Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding 4 planes.
  2. Starting Positions: Place all planes in the hangar area of their respective color.
  3. Determine Turn Order: Each player rolls the dice; the highest roll starts first, and play proceeds clockwise.

Basic Rules

  1. Starting a Plane: To move a plane out of the hangar and onto the starting position, a player must roll a 6.
  2. Movement: Players take turns rolling the die and moving one of their planes the number of spaces shown on the die.
  3. Rolling a 6: Rolling a 6 allows the player to:
    • Move a plane out of the hangar (if there are planes still inside).
    • Move a plane already on the board forward by 6 spaces.
    • Take an additional turn (this can be repeated if 6 is rolled again).

Special Spaces

  • Takeoff Area: Each player’s path starts with a takeoff area where planes enter the main path.
  • Safe Zones: Spaces marked as safe zones where planes cannot be captured.
  • Shortcut Spaces: Some boards feature shortcut paths that can speed up a plane’s journey.

Capturing Planes

  • If a player’s plane lands on a space occupied by another player’s plane, the plane being landed on is sent back to its hangar.
  • The player capturing the plane gets an extra turn.

Победа в игре

  • Planes must move around the board and then up their own colored path to the center home area.
  • The exact number must be rolled to land a plane in the home area.
  • The first player to get all four planes into their home area wins the game.

Tips for Playing

  • Strategic Moves: Balance advancing planes with getting more planes out of the hangar.
  • Blocking Opponents: Use your planes to strategically block or capture opponent planes.
  • Safe Zones and Shortcuts: Utilize safe zones to protect your planes and shortcuts to expedite your journey.

Additional Resources

For more information on high-quality wooden toys and educational games, check out these trusted suppliers:

Flying Chess is a delightful board game that provides hours of entertainment and helps develop strategic thinking. Enjoy your game, and happy flying!

For more detailed rules and variations of Flying Chess, please take a look at the official game instructions or visit websites specializing in board games.

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